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Sunday, January 13, 2013

22. Appearances and Insistences of a gossamer thin observation

The soul is capable of acquiring and organising matter that is incredibly spaced out and magnificently varied.
This is because the soul forms from extraordinarily complex interactions of the most infinitesimal vollitions, Yea even vollitions of nothingness itself!  This process continues universally and new souls are being born in an unstoppable cycle, infinite presently in number, infinite futuristically in future production, infinite ( across the universe ) in numbers of the past. 
              In all this infinity, the organisation of finitudes in space and time is obviously of paramount and pressing importance.  So pressing indeed that the first version of creation has in fact failed completely, as is alluded to in the religious stories of the 'Fall of Satan'.  Accordingly we can assert that not only is the universe magnificently mind-boggling but also seriously vulnerable and in need of the strictest intellectual attention at all times.  Just as what appears eminently solid is found to be in fact rife with empty space is an example of just how seriously the universe can surprise us.  We must realise that all understanding is potentially gossamer thin.  We cannot allow ourselves to be idle receivers of the economic goods of a complete mode of production.  We must remain eternally vigilant and forever  suspicious of production, if we are to avoid becoming the agents of disease in lacklustre response to any potential future disaster.

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