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Saturday, November 17, 2012

9. Euphoria and the multi-verse.

Whether by co-incidence or some divine pro-activity, a trans-personal experience can have wildly euphoric effects.

8. Personal Values and Trust.

Ever since I was young I associated the incarceration of animals with sin and wrongdoing.

7. Personal Experience of Multiverse.

Long Distance Traveller- The Albatross.

My personal experiences of the impacts of the multiverse are what I humbly call intense.

6. Snobbery and the Multiverse

When we hear of strange phenomena that appear derived from some superior view of the multiverse, there is a marked snobbery in how we classify different events.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

5. A community of the multiverse affected.

Have you been affected by the multiverse?

4. Physics and the Multiverse.

The multiverse is a popular branch of theory for modern science

The existence of the multiverse is widely theorised by modern science.

3. Is the Galaxy we perceive in part or in total merely our own Star in multiverse?

The 'Galaxy' may be the multiverse.

The circumstantial and theoretical evidence for the existence of the multiverse is overwhelming.

2. Religion and Multiverse.

Religious Scripture is rife with the idea of the actual existence of multiverse

Religion and the idea that the multiverse are real are deeply entwined.  

1. Psychology and the Multiverse.

Multiverses in Conflict

Our planet is deeply affected by the multiverse.