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Saturday, November 17, 2012

7. Personal Experience of Multiverse.

Long Distance Traveller- The Albatross.

My personal experiences of the impacts of the multiverse are what I humbly call intense.
 For ever since I graduated from University in 1998, I have been deeply affected on a daily and continuos basis by afflictions and blessings generated by the political content of the multiverse.  I have heard voices, seen visions, felt pains, disruptions of concentration, thoughts of a religious nature every day from 1998 until now.  At no time before 1998 had I any experience with auditory hallucination or revelatory experience.  I had once seen a ufo in the company of others but I never had any hallucinatory experiences within my normal non-recreational life until the end of 1998.  Following is a draft of chapter one of a book I am planning to complete if I get hold of enough mentally focused time to complete it!?!  It has been so difficult to concentrate on any one thing, that blogging in dribs and drabs has been about all I could manage...
Having this experience has given me first hand knowledge and understanding of exactly what it means to be affected by the multiverse.  I hope that others will join me in the battle to preserve the dignity of our dominion from insidious forces in the multiverse.

Chapter 1- A Bible Code

            Fourteen years ago I graduated from Griffith University, Brisbane Australia.  I took a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science, Modern Asian Studies.   The year was 1998 and after an incredible length of time gaining my degree I was looking forward to doing something with it.  I didn’t really have much of an idea exactly what I was going to do but I assumed that with my degree, it was bound to be better than the part-time factory jobs I had been keeping to get me through my studies.
                        Yet one beautiful late year Sunday morning my life changed forever.   I remember it clearly.    I was getting ready to listen to FM 106.1 Sunday morning classical religious music show.   I hadn’t listened to the particular show for years on end, but had taken to it for a few weeks leading up to that strange and awesome day.  I had beaten the start of the show and was looking forward to lie in bed and listen to the lovely sounds of the music. 
                        Suddenly I was gripped by an overwhelming urge.   As soon as the announcer who may have been called Marion Arnold, or a Marion/ Mary-Anne something at any rate, began to speak, my hand almost involuntarily snatched my NIV Bible up from off a collection of religious books.   The stack of reading included the Koran, the Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom, various Japanese and Indian myths and legends, and various photocopies from my degree reading.   I held my NIV bible from the floor as though my life depended on it and a notion formed in my mind. 
                        The particular radio show I was listening to, traced a spiritual journey of musical pieces from the old world to Australia and New Zealand.   Something along the lines of musical piece gets written in say 680 AD in England, gets performed first in New Zealand 1923 and so on.   A surge of knowing exactly what you are supposed to do barreled me over like a big dog, and like the bite of a great big dog, it seared into my skull, my arm and my hand.   The numbers mentioned as years became, “ Page 680, chapter 19 verse 23!”   So with my trusty NIV study bible I flicked through to page such and such chapter and verse, and thus began the most difficult and hellish time my soul may have ever experienced.  
                        The first sentence I read was prosaic.  It made sense as a first sentence.  As is not always the case in any book, the verse as a whole was easily a stand-alone introduction that needed no foreword.   What I read could have been the start of any other book.   I read it and in my mind I thought,  “Okay well that worked”.  I didn’t feel that I was hearing voices or seeing strange hallucinations, it was somehow a perfectly normal setting, as normal as hearing an old time radio show telling you how to bake a cake or perform a magic trick.  I thought,
“ Give it another shot, see what happens…”
                        It was a sunny morning with enough cool wind to stop the Australian heat.  I felt powerfully but somehow quietly excited.  When the first piece ended, I waited to hear the announcer say the next year of composition and year of first Australian or New Zealand performance.   It would have been something like composed in 723 AD first performed in Wellington to such and such for the celebration of some occasion in the year 1916.    I took my time to find the page, chapter and verse, all of which were burning into my mind like some cool plume of fire, and began to read.   This time it wasn’t the beginning of a stand-alone statement but rather a statement that continued directly from where the first one had left off.   Now I was hooked. 
            Could it be that I had stumbled upon some living tissue of the bible code?   A part of me like a little child was in a kind of euphoria, believing that this code was certainly fit for me to believe it was designed for me.   After all what reason would I have had to believe anyone was capable of trimming the translation of an American version of the Bible?   To coincide with ancient British/Irish, perhaps others, years of composition matched to Australian and New Zealand performances?  All on the off chance that some secret music society had solicited this Marion Arnold openly, or with some mystical sorcery to list her music choices in this particular way!   I mean it was possible I guess, the Chinese had rice-grain calligraphy, but really, I was entering a state of incredible euphoria instead.
                        Despite all the personal feelings of not being the guy who has it easy, not being the guy with the money or the girlfriends, nor even a good moral example for my siblings.  The whole nasty bag of tricks being decidedly less than perfect or admirable can dish out to you as fate or fateful choice…   Something truly incredible was happening to me.   From out of these seemingly random dates of composition and performance I was receiving a divine revelation!  My father was a preacher and his father before him.   How pleased they were going to be to discover that I had seen fit to show up?   My life had a religious significance!
                        It was pretty awe-inspiring.  I waited for the third page number chapter and verse from the next piece.   Neither believing nor consciously convinced, but just sort of entering the kind of euphoria ‘Charlie’ must have felt in the ‘Willy Wonka’ movies when he discovered he had a golden ticket. The pieces were in a chronological order of composition and as a result I was flicking forward only to new verses to read.  The third instruction behaved as the second continuing a developing narrative.  The tale of or a statement to; a great priest born to a great task for the fact of his indestructible nature, was forming in the verses read one after another.    
What can I say? I believed it.  I wanted to believe it.
I was the stuff of myth and legends.  My Father was greatly pleased with me. I was such a great priest that ten percent of the Armies of God responded to my disciplined counsel.  I was going to achieve what I had set out to, for the fact that all had been prepared and forethought of.   No matter what depths I fell to socially, those experiences would be the rod of my own science.  I would be a priest of the blood sacrifice forever.  I would have enough to get by while achieving this great task, and I would deliver new opinions where old opinions seemed quite old indeed.  
               There were more than six or seven musical pieces in all.   Each verse, I remember as though it was my own Father or Mothers blessing.  Hands on my head and their solemn instruction… as though some super Ninja in a movie was addressed by super beings of war.  On the other hand I was getting the strange feeling that I was in fact an author of this strangely formed message.   Had I designed to deliver this message to myself?
            While I read the message I was awash with a sense of all that had happened to the dominion of man and woman during the period covered by the musical pieces.  As though millions of souls felt a deep sense of sorrow for all that had happened to humans, animals, plants and minerals beneath the forces of history.   It was the revelation of a material reality.   Our own souls were all these creatures and beings.  How could we not even realize the evolutionary location of our own souls?   How slain was our memory not to even remember our own lives?  It would become clear to me that forces of pure evil were behind the phenomena, and it was a horror shared by every single soul of my own precious dominion of life.
                        Yet the text left me completely in the dark about how I would achieve the vast doing of good the message insisted I would be a part of.   Would I take over the United Nations?   Run the world into some grand truth that would last forever?   Should I start my own church?  I had no idea at all.   For all the how and wherefore I had been given by this message, it wouldn’t have been unreasonable of me to wonder if the Pope wasn’t going to pick me up in his Pope-mobile and fly me off to Rome.  Nor if the President of the USA or Prime Ministers of Britain, Australia or New Zealand would install me as their supreme military adviser.   There were no details at all, just the simple assurance, that having been sent forth I would win out and never be abandoned no matter what befell me.   The experience had left me in a state of totally confused euphoria.  I was overwhelmingly relieved that my life would mean something. Excited that I was a warrior priest in the fight against evil.  Perplexed by the warnings that it would be hard.  That it could throw me to the bottom of the moral sweepstakes just as it lifted me to the top. That evildoers would continue to be evil throughout, and a myriad other concerns, revelations and feelings of awe.
                        It also gave me a feeling of my own decency, that I was a respectable man with a great and heroic destiny.  How should I explain it?   I felt like putting on my best clothes and telling my parents wonderfully intelligent things.   At the same time I was in a kind of shock, an elative shock, the shock of being so emphatically gladdened.    If I had some kind of Royal Court or acutely aware loyal supporters I felt like I could take over the world, the only problem was what exactly could I do with it?  I don’t know why I felt it to be true, but it felt so good and so wonderful, it just had to be true.
                        The show ended and I felt that my life would be changed forever.  I had no idea what the armies of God actually did, neither an exact idea of what the armies of Satan were up to.   I had no idea what I would do to the armies of Satan, or the world or for the armies of God.  I only had a sense that I had had a true religious experience and it promised terrible times ahead for me.  Times that I would somehow endure and win over in the end.  I felt that it was destiny, everyone has a sense of their own value, and the verses I had read in such a strange circumstance filled that sense of mine like first love or some other thing I had yet to experience, perhaps the birth of your own child.
                        Incredibly I never recorded the passage of those verses. The memory of them has stuck in my mind as surely as a tattoo is stuck into the skin.   All one should have to do to rediscover those verses would be to find the musical program of that morning and using a particular edition of the NIV study bible, repeat the process.   Yet for what I know now of the multiverse, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was never any Mary-Anne Arnold, nor if the pieces had never been played in the order I heard them.   Only later did I remember that Marion Arnold was the name of the actress who played Marion Cunningham in the old hit show ‘Happy Days’.  There was even a name in the text of the message I could never find afterwards in the bible text, ‘ Stephen Goodly ‘.  Go figure!  Yet to this day it seems to me that the music was inspired.  When it came time for those pieces to be first performed, and what affected the layout of the NIV study bible of the particular edition my father owned, something of a divine unity joined all those inspirations of the divine in a grand concert that settled on me that morning and inspired me to open my bible, in exactly the way I did.   I had no idea what to do as a result, as I thought about the fact of my ignorance, I knew my not knowing would come back to haunt me.

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