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Saturday, November 17, 2012

8. Personal Values and Trust.

Ever since I was young I associated the incarceration of animals with sin and wrongdoing.
 The use of animals for scientific experiment as the absolute equivalent of the Nazi Holocaust.  The values were identical to me whether it was a case of a human or animal subject to slavery.  This is the greater part of why I never trusted modern science with my suffering.  To this day I have never approached medical science for assistance with my tribulations.  I didn't trust doctors who probably had no personal experience of such afflictions beyond that related to them by their patients.  I didn't trust the values doctors represented by adulating various forms of slavery as the modus operandi of a curative science.  I didn't want to be informed that I was not experiencing what I was, and thence to be drugged into some lifelong stupor.  It was my rational power of deduction which was saving me, and I did not have any desire to subjugate that whole value to anything that praised the nihilism I associated with experimental science.  The agent of disease was nihilistic toward me and I absolutely refused to allow my rational mind to second best itself to any nihilistic compromise with those forces in the earth that I believed were the causal ocean of all belief in Nazism.  Instead I relied on deduction and stoic ambition to separate the two origin of stimuli, this world's and the multiverse... 

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