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Saturday, November 17, 2012

6. Snobbery and the Multiverse

When we hear of strange phenomena that appear derived from some superior view of the multiverse, there is a marked snobbery in how we classify different events.  
On one hand when we observe multiverse impacts upon religious scholars we classify people as pious, devout and saintly.  These people receive 'visions', 'prophecies', 'blessings from God'.   On the other when persons receive impacts that are unintelligible, can be attributed to trauma or the use of legal or illegal drugs, we characterise these persons as 'sick', 'delusional' and inherently inferior.   Yet we run a decided risk in allowing such circumstantial set of evidences to determine how we interact with and interpret differing facts of experience.  Displacement of the norms of our one world with the documented and theoretical reality of the impact on our world of forces originating in the multiverse, should not be construed as within the control of the particular behaviours or character of persons who encounter such phenomena.   Yet even those persons whose auditory hallucinations are insidious and non-assistant do not necessarily give air to mental disease and the idea that they themselves can do nothing else but be institutionalised.  The sufferers of such afflictions are therefore capable of discerning the difference between things of the multiverse and things of our own world.

What we need then is some way to identify and classify potential strategies employed by forces external to our own world.  Why are some given uplifting and inspiration and others oppression and horror?  Why do so many religious figures give accounts of both good forces and evil forces involved in their experience of multiverse?  Why are so many experiences of the multiverse related to disorder of an individual or the disordering of relations between peoples?  Why do so many revelations attributed to God, revolve around favouritism between different peoples of the earth?  Is it not the height of stupidity to confess that there is a war between God and Satan at the same time as attributing purported favouritism of one person/people over another? Is such an instruction anything but divide and conquer from an insidious force and therefore presumably not from God?  Have we not throughout history been as directly affected as any institutionalised patient bearing extreme and obvious symptoms in that we have been divided in unholy and non-resurrectionist/ non-friendly competition, ie warfare and conflict?

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