I knew I was close to figuring out why these technological beings were the agent of disease.
I had deduced them to be the force depressing the strength, the unity and the intellectual focus of our dominion of being. Everything from Humans, Animals, Plants was affected in one way or another. I thought of the bible terms, ' cities of jacynth and chrysolite ', I began to factor in the depression of mineral formation, geological formations themselves, solar flares and all things of my universe. Yet where was the unified theory? What consistent gain were these souls, the agents of disease making by their action to weaken the action of souls? How were these souls intellectually dependent on our depression?
Then I remembered a phrase I had read in the Quran, the Muslim Bible. The phrase dealt with an unnamed, 'people of the first creation'. These people had claimed to have destroyed the first creation and when questioned about it, presumably by Muhammed, or perhaps by a messenger of Muhammed had replied, ' We had to destroy it '.
This gave me, a person raised with the Christian Bible version, which definitely insinuates that God somehow preceded Satan, the clue I needed. Why would anyone claim to have had to destroy an entire universe? It seemed like the kind of cop out excuse I associated with Satan. Then a revelation hit me, what if Satan and Satans' Angels were the first people of creation? What if God and the armies of God were not an advanced development of the original creator souls of the universe? Rather that the Armies of God were a collection of souls who were born after Satan's and Satan's 'angels' fell from an original universe!
That the Quran occurred after the Torah/ Talmud and the Bible was well known to me. Just as well known to me as the fact that all three religions belonged to a continuos tradition of interpretation of the multiverse, the Abrahamic Tradition. Surely there would be partial improvement to interpretation and information over time in any continuos tradition?
So the revelation that Satan and the souls of Satan were in fact the ' people of the first creation ' who had fallen from their universe or heaven made sense to me as having been attained by the later Abrahamic Interpretation. For just as these agents of disease were interfering with me via auditory disturbance and thought insinuation in the present, so too the Abrahamic interpreters had been afflicted in their times past. I settled down to digest my new belief, that Satan had preceded God. Also that the original armies of God were in all likelihood an advanced development of Mankind upon discovering resurrection generating behaviour in the mode of production. Of course you could accuse me of being one of these people who believes that human development has been more accelerated by war rather than peace. However I considered that resurrection generating behaviour meant that everyone could not only eat, but also be eaten without any real fuss= no starvation, no nihilistic acquisition of war for war's developmental sake. Yet that resurrection generating behaviour was likely some kind of physical mortal competition and that therefore everyone would get just as much exercise as they could possibly need= no obesity. Very hippy values of love and peace actually.
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