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Thursday, November 22, 2012

17. Divine Sense of Security

Deduction and/or revelation, were steadily marking out to me the rationale of those agents of disease whom attacked me now on a daily basis.
 They weren't simply psychotic beings who got their thrills by attacking my dominion.  There was a method in their political psychosis that warranted serious contemplation.  Whether it was the absence of a clear nutritional benefit for the agent of disease in its mode of attack, whether it was the arbitrary attack on all things of my world regardless of race, religion, species etc, whether it was the circumstantial evidence of an extra-dimensional physical acquisition putting voices on me, or the obvious metaphysical otherness to the physical consternation of my body via pain and impediment to physical activity and energy.  Whether it was the combination of factors in tow with a divine communication from a good or Godly aspect of the multiverse... or simply having enough time to 'spy' the thoughts of these obvious souls attacking me, I am not prepared to cast in concrete.   Yet after much consternation and in line with the super-correlative mysticism I associated with my Bible Code experience, I came to believe firmly that the agent of disease was by a process of divergent spiritual/physical acquisition 'stealing' the physical bodies our dominion created and generating thereby a living firmament in the multiverse.   The voices I heard were not the souls of my dominion in nightmares or dreams, but instead the taunts of a contiguous strategy of spiritual depression designed to weaken and displace our natural carapace of mind/spirit physical connection.   I was so glad to see this truth especially as the voices had begun to insinuate for example that my parents had condemned me to hell, whilst they were all too glad to be going to heaven.  The girl I had first fallen in love with at age fourteen repeated the phrase, " F##K You, Niko ", Niko being my nickname, over and over with no cessation but to build a moment of hope before resuming.  This was another clincher in my awareness that the affliction was indeed technological, I came to build this triumph of deduction into an even more complex architecture of revenge.  Needless to say I had begun to wonder how these sort of auditory hallucinations figured in murders, particularly family murders and so called "crimes of passion".   Yea verily.
But not me mack.  I had a rational explanation for the fact that none of these voices were the real people of my dominion.  I went to sleep with this assurance as my security blanket, it was there for me when I woke up.  I was going to sleep in pain, hearing voices, but I had my critical mind, and piece by piece I was determined to solve the puzzle and spite these god damned agents of disease!

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