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Sunday, November 18, 2012

10. Suspicious Agenda, Advanced Technology

If other worlds on our own planet are real, some have a highly questionable agenda and advanced technology capable of affecting our world with the projection of voices/visions etc...
Very quickly that I began to have 'auditory hallucinations' in late 1998, I realised that there was no way I could invent voices of others and 'hear' them as well as a result of my own organic content.   I did not believe that the biological organism and its sensory faculties were capable of manufacturing voices it did not hear.  No to me the  sense of hearing worked one way, the sense of making sound exactly the opposite.  Unless there was an actual stimuli in the environment or projected to me from the multiverse, I would not be hearing anything, let alone actual speech.
This posed the question, why were these 'persons' technologically capable of projecting voices to me?   Obviously they possessed technology more adjusted to the multiverse, than our own technology.   Also I was aware from reading and movies/ television that others aren't likely to be hearing voices that you are.   Concurrently, that persons had such auditory hallucinations all through time, therefore, it didn't click with me that for example the CIA, had to be responsible, despite all the conspiracies and government cover-ups I had heard about.   I was aware that as well as voices, these persons were attempting to cajole me with thoughts alone.   As though either their souls were trying to hijack my thinking either through thoughts grappling my general brain cavity area, or through muted verbal enunciation recorded and then projected presumably in some auditory stimulus.   For example I was painfully aware of the insinuation that some secret racist or elitist society was at the source of the problem.  Yet I did not have any reason to believe it based on the fact that so many people had heard voices long before one could conceivably suspect let's say, the skull and bones society of the USA.   I was considering time travellers, but discounted the idea based on my non-belief that an unmolested human time travelling elitist wouldn't transfer technology to its ancestor.  I didn't believe in the total dependence of life acquired in the vine on past times.  This is a concept I will continue later, the relative independence of physical incarnation.
Something with technology that can affect the multiverse was trying to destroy me and in general make me lose it, it had a divisionist agenda and it had a mind to convince me, from a separate multiverse that the people in my own world were to blame.

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