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All blog posts are numbered with the oldest being number 1.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

21. Gossamer Character of the Body

The soul is the organising pivot of material acquisition.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

20. The Beginnings of the Whole Story.

A unified theory explaining the true scope of the activity of disease.  Depression of our claim to physical acquisition.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

19. Rational Order and Higher Consciousness and Spirituality

Now I had a rational explanation for why fallen beings of the first universe were inhabiting aspects of the multiverse via a subversion of the potency of the agent of creation, everything else began to fall into place.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

17. Divine Sense of Security

Deduction and/or revelation, were steadily marking out to me the rationale of those agents of disease whom attacked me now on a daily basis.

Monday, November 19, 2012

15. The Presentation of our Own Likeness

If Abraham had total awareness and direct observation of the political nature of the multiverse, would he have ever laid Isaac down to sacrifice him to the "Lord"?

14. Abrahamic Revelation, Quran and Multiverse

I knew I was close to figuring out why these technological beings were the agent of disease.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

13. Blood In, Blood Out.

How was the action of diseasing and disordering all things of our holy effort of creation a direct benefit for these agents of disease?

12. Deducing the Goals of Disease

My journey of discovery had begun.  I realised that perhaps not always but certainly in part the origin of auditory hallucinations and the agent of disease, were dependent on the technology of a particular kind of disease generating soul.  These souls had a discernible agenda, that I hunkered down to figure out.

11. Political Science and Focus, picking apart the evidence

As a political scientist I am trained to pick apart agendas based on the behaviour of political entities.

10. Suspicious Agenda, Advanced Technology

If other worlds on our own planet are real, some have a highly questionable agenda and advanced technology capable of affecting our world with the projection of voices/visions etc...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

9. Euphoria and the multi-verse.

Whether by co-incidence or some divine pro-activity, a trans-personal experience can have wildly euphoric effects.

8. Personal Values and Trust.

Ever since I was young I associated the incarceration of animals with sin and wrongdoing.

7. Personal Experience of Multiverse.

Long Distance Traveller- The Albatross.

My personal experiences of the impacts of the multiverse are what I humbly call intense.

6. Snobbery and the Multiverse

When we hear of strange phenomena that appear derived from some superior view of the multiverse, there is a marked snobbery in how we classify different events.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

5. A community of the multiverse affected.

Have you been affected by the multiverse?

4. Physics and the Multiverse.

The multiverse is a popular branch of theory for modern science

The existence of the multiverse is widely theorised by modern science.

3. Is the Galaxy we perceive in part or in total merely our own Star in multiverse?

The 'Galaxy' may be the multiverse.

The circumstantial and theoretical evidence for the existence of the multiverse is overwhelming.

2. Religion and Multiverse.

Religious Scripture is rife with the idea of the actual existence of multiverse

Religion and the idea that the multiverse are real are deeply entwined.  

1. Psychology and the Multiverse.

Multiverses in Conflict

Our planet is deeply affected by the multiverse.